WHAT IS BEEMINDER?Beeminder cleverly combines self-tracking and monetary incentives to help you stick to your goals. You pledge (actual money) to keep all your data points on a Yellow Brick Road to your goal and if you go off track, you pay your pledge.WHO IS BEEMINDER FOR?Heres the way to find out if Beeminder could be useful for you: Is there anything you know you should do, you really do want to do, you know for certain you can do, yet that historically you dont do? (Also, are you a nerdy, lifehacking data freak?) If yes, you should try it!WHAT CAN BEEMINDER TRACK?Anything you can quantify and graph! Here are some goals that our users have been minding:o Hitting 145 pounds by December 31o Reducing credit card balance to zero by Januaryo Blogging twice a montho Getting rid of 100 possessions in the next yearo Being able to do 50 pushups by September 22o Eating, on average, 5 servings of fruit/vegetables per dayo Practicing guitar 7 hours per weeko Staying at or below 148 poundso Doing 45 minutes of resistance training per weeko Biking 1956 miles in 2011 (until odometer hits 5000)o Spending 40 hours a week building Beeminder (we eat our own dog food!)o Biking 50 miles per week leading up to the NYC Centuryo Reading Ulysses by December 15o Clearing out 1 email per day till inbox is at 25 messageso Getting in bed by 10pm at least 5 nights a weeko Calling or writing to at least one person per dayo Reviewing 10 Anki cards per dayo Flossing at least every other day------For more on the philosophy behind Beeminder, google Akrasia and Self-Binding.The Beeminder Android app was designed and built by Uluç Saranlı.